Thursday, September 21, 2006

before i forget: username: silemawanderer password: the usual

schools started, been off for a long time, missed some stuff, went to Europe and back again, preseason soccer, first days of a new year, nothing interesting.

first loss today one-nil against Vorhees. now we're 1-1-2. year's looking down already. good coaches, thought, just can't put the ball in the net. i throw in effort's worth, but the past couple of days, i've been just a whisker away from goal (to use an English commentary phrase)

baseball talk today, meeting tomorrow. same old shit from the dick (yes, I said it), the dick C.Star (misspelled his name on purpose), and J.Tylson (again misspelled). B.Burrdorf is apparantly going to throw away all his training in the outfield and play first base (who'd have thunk it?). well, that means that i fall to third in the depth chart in their thoughts, behind a crappy fielder and overall player (Coriigan) and someone who's never played first before. Just my luck.

In the end, we'll see what happens, i'm pretty sure i'll be on JV again, but it doesn't matter. i just want to play. What really bothers me though, is that they immeadiately think i'm such a bad player (which, quite a few people other than myself think is not true). They think they're so good, while, in reality, they're all crappy cunts who can't play for shit (C.Star are you listening?). not to say i'm such an amazing player. i admit i have hitting problems, but they refuse to admit any of it, which annoys me.

i'll probably regret saying this, but, words are words, which are words that are words. they remain on paper forever, but i don't care. somewhere, sometime, somehow, i need to voice my opinions and not let them die inside of me, for that would be the real tragedy.

anyway, three tests tomorrow. jury's out as to how i'll do. Spanish, especially. but, what must happen will happen. time will tell.

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